foto for CV

About myself
I`m Junior Frontend Developer.
I`m interested in Web Development because this occupation provides endless possibilities for professional growth, besides there is a huge amount of free high quality resources for self-education.
I believe, that my ability to learn and to gain new skills will lead me through this path of becoming a proficient Frontend Developer.


I started my career as a content manager of web-site in a regional cultural institution with minimum skills. I became profficient in Content managment and Social Media Marketing. I have experience in managerment of IT-projeckts.
My keen interest in marketing led me to working as a Deputy director of Marketing and Advertisment, where I continued learning in Perm Institute of Culture, examining the Management of Marketing for Cultural Establishments.





CV-Project in RSSchool

Code example

function multiply(a, b){
var c = a * b;
retorn c;
